What kind of password policies can I set?

On the Password Policy Setting page, you can set the following:

  • Maximum number of characters for a password (default setting: 50 characters)
  • Minimum number of characters for a password (default setting: 5 characters)
  • Use of upper cases / lower cases / numerical characters (default setting: ON)
  • Mandatory use of upper cases / lower cases / numerical characters (default setting: OFF)
  • Mandatory use of symbols (default setting: no mandatory use of symbols)
  • Unusable symbols (default setting: no unusable symbols)
  • Whether to show the page that requires password change from temporary password, at time of first log in (default setting: ON)
  • Use of a password identical to the log-in ID (default setting: OFF)
  • Use of a password that includes the log-in ID (default setting: OFF

Please note that each company can set its own password policy. Set your company’s password policy from the “Password Policy” under “Company Settings” of the left column of the Contents Management System.

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