I don’t know how to add a survey card (multiple choice type).

1. On the left hand column of the Home Page, select “Course Management” under “Contents Management”.

2. Go to the Card List page of the chapter or the section you wish to add the survey card to.

3. On the Card List page, Click “Add to section” and then select “Create a new card”.

4. A “Create a new card” window pops up.  For “Please select the kind of card you want to create”, select “Survey” and then select “Choice type”.

5. You are directed to the Choice Survey Card Edit page. Enter card name, question sentence, and options.

6. If you wish to have this survey card show up at the start of the app, check the “is publish” checkbox.  
[Note] The card will not be shown if you do not check the “is publish” checkbox.

7. Click “Save”.  Now you have created a new survey card.

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