How does a newly created user log in?

1. Have the user download the Goocus application.
- iOS users should download from App Store:
- Android users should download from Google Play:
- Web browser users should go to:

2. Notify the user about the registered login ID or e-mail address, and password.
[Note] On the User Edit page (the page you access when you create a new user), there is a checkbox that says “Send Log In credentials to user”.  Check this checkbox, and you will be able to send the new user his/her account information (i.e, log in ID/temporary password) to the e-mail address entered in the “E-mail address” section.

3. Have the user start the app.  On the Goocus log in page, have the user enter the log in ID and the password.  The user will now be able to use Goocus :-)

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